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European court upholds German move to take kids from sect.
Coming Out of the Cults. Cult Deception, Dependency, and Dread. How to Find Information on a Cult or Group. Reflections on Post Cult Recovery. Robert Jay Lifton Criteria for Thought Reform.
Since 1984, we have helped people with destructive cults, mind control, brainwashing, parental alienation, estrangement, abusive relationships, gurus, multi-level marketing, violent extremism and other forms of undue influence. Completed Background Information for Case Evaluation. Call to schedule Free Initial Evaluation.
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Ein Wesen, das mit leeren Händen dasteht, ist nicht Gott. Die Droge erlaubt es, innerhalb von ein paar Augenblicken unendliche Zeiträume zu durchmessen und in Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu reisen. In this vein, the reader of Bruce R.
Cult related information and research. Manipulation, Abuse, and Maltreatment in Groups. Trieste, 5 July 2013 - 16.
Free Yourself or Loved Ones from Cults and Their Leaders. What is the Purpose of this Website? Destructive Cult and Mind Control Books. Are you in a Cult Questionnaire. Cult Members Need to be Saved! What is a Destuctive Cult? Characteristics of a Cult Psychopath? 4 Mar, 2015. Four Steps to Cult Recovery. Warning to the Parents of Teenage Girls.
From Cult Member to Author-Expert. Cult Research and Information Center. Some of the best books and publications about cults, thought reform, and related topics. Some may be out of print but are well worth the search. From Cult Member To Cult Expert.